12 May Helping kids and teens to manage anxiety during Coronavirus
The majority of us have never experienced a pandemic before. With this in mind, it’s fair to say that many of us may be experiencing feelings of stress and anxiety about the situation – especially kids and teens.
The fact is, this is a natural response to an uncertain environment.
If your child is demonstrating signs of unease, there are some things you can do to shape the narrative and help your family to manage anxiety during this time.
Anxiety during Coronavirus is totally normal
First of all, it’s important to understand what anxiety is and why you and your family might be experiencing these feelings.
Anxiety is caused when we feel pressured or worried about a situation for a significant amount of time.
Anxiety can be triggered by many different things, and one of the most common triggers is when we experience stressful or unfamiliar events. Just like a pandemic.
There are a few signs to look out for so you can identify and manage anxiety during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Signs of anxiety
Some symptoms of anxiety to look out for include:
- Changes in moods
- A lack of motivation
- Muscle tension
- Irritability
- Restlessness
If you have noticed changes in your own feelings or you believe your kids might be suffering from anxiety, there are a few ways you can help manage anxiety during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Steps to managing anxiety during coronavirus
Anxiety can feel daunting, especially for kids and teens who haven’t experienced these feelings before. So what can you do to help?
1. Maintain a normal routine
Staying busy is one of the best ways to beat Coronavirus blues. And sticking to a normal routine is the best way to do so.
Find out more about the importance of daily routines for kids during a crisis and make sure to implement a routine within your home.
2. Stay connected with loved ones and friends
In times like these, we’re lucky to have the ability to stay connected through technology.
Try setting a time each week to FaceTime with your family, friends, and loved ones. You can even play games together and continue enjoying each other’s company from afar.
3. Limit the amount of media you watch
Although the media is doing their part in keeping everybody updated with Coronavirus, sometimes the media overload can be daunting.
Try to limit your family’s exposure to the news so to not disturb your routine and impact your family’s mental wellbeing.
4. Actively listen
If your kids or teens approach you about their worries, this is very healthy.
You should respond by actively listening to their concerns and best addressing them with your full attention.
Sometimes all they need is reassurance from the people they trust; their parents.
If you need help navigating this conversation, check out our handy guide on how to talk to kids about coronavirus.
Help your kids and teens manage anxiety about Coronavirus
If you believe your child’s anxiety about COVID-19 is becoming serious, try reaching out to an online counselling service like Kids Helpline for professional advice.
By working together, we can get through these unprecedented times. Look after your family and stay safe.
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